Why Hire a Traffic Ticket Lawyer for your Speeding Ticket in New York

Many people do not think that getting a speeding ticket is a big deal. However, it is a good idea for you to contact an attorney if you have received a speeding ticket NY. There are several reasons that you will need to hire an attorney.

Avoid Getting Points on Your License

You could get points on your license if you have a traffic ticket. The number of points that you get will depend on how fast you were going. If you were going less than 10 miles over the speed limit, then you can get three points on your license. You can get four points on your license if you were going between 10 and 20 miles over the speed limit. If you were going over 20 miles over the speed limit, then you can get six points on your license.

It is important to note that you could get your license suspended if you are going more than 30 miles over the speed limit. Your traffic ticket lawyer NY will fight hard to make sure that you do not get points on your license.

Prevent Your Car Insurance Premium From Going Up

Your risk profile is one of the things that will determine how much you pay for your insurance. That is why if you get a ticket, then your insurance rates will likely go up. Even if you were only going a few miles over the speed limit, you may still have to pay more for your insurance.

Many people notice that their premiums increase by 30 percent when they get a speeding ticket. Your attorney can help you avoid having to pay the higher premiums.

Avoid the Fees

It can be costly to get a ticket. Not only will you have to pay for the ticket itself, but you will also have to pay the surcharges. You may be able to avoid the fines and surcharges if you have an attorney on your side.

Your attorney can appear on court on your behalf. If they are unable to get the charges dropped, then they may still be able to get them reduced.